The second portrait of the documentary series "Casa, Energia, Vida", produced in partnership with the "Empregos para o Clima" campaign (Climate Jobs), with the support of the Habita! collective.

After Maimuna was evicted from the 6 de Maio Quarter (Damaia, Lisbon) and saw her home - as that of many others - get demolished, the Amadora City Council has not offered her any alternative rehousing to this day.

She worked for almost 20 years in Portugal (mostly two - sometimes three - jobs simultaneously) until she was forced to stop by the worsening of the kidney disease that has accompanied her all her life.

She continues to live in Damaia, sharing a house with 4 people. She survives on a meager disability pension which just about pays for her room. She sells peanuts and roasted cashews on the street to pay the bills and whatever food the rising cost of living will let her buy.


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